Biological Pacemakers Obtained Through Cellular Differentiation for the Restoration of Sinoatrial Node Function. A Systematic Review

XLV Mexican Conference on Biomedical Engineering(2022)

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Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Heart disease has a wide variety of causes. Recently, the development of biological pacemakers obtained by cell differentiation for the restoration of sinoatrial node function has emerged for those heart diseases that are related to the sinoatrial pacemaker. The research is aimed at observing the action potential (AP) and If current relationship based on their depolarization and hyperpolarization in preclinical models. The present work aims to identify AP and If current values from recent reports to determine whether cardiomyocytes derived from embryonic hESC-CMs or induced pluripotent iPSC-CMs fulfill the function of pacemaker cells in the sinoatrial node in preclinical models based on the criteria of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews. Results show that the PA values were reflected between −40 mV and 60 mV and the If current ratio between −60 mV and −80 mV increased heart rate in preclinical models. Findings from this review will be informative for researchers seeking to prioritize future advances in the development of biological pacemakers.
Biological pacemaker, Sinoatrial node, Action potential
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