A new optical method for the comparison of the performance of liquid scintillators

E.M. Gandolfo,L. Campajola,P. Casolaro

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment(2023)

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This work presents a novel optical method for selecting new liquid compounds for scintillation detectors. This method consists in the evaluation of the optical properties of the compounds and the definition of parameters quantifying their emission yield, based on the study of the scintillation spectra. It is a comparative method as it allows the choice of the best liquid scintillator among many through a step-by-step selection based on: (1) the fluorescence spectra of the matrix, (2) the fluorescence spectra of the matrix with a dye, (3) the Ion Beam Induced Luminescence spectra of the matrix with different dye percentages. We used the proposed method to identify new liquids which may be suitable for neutron detection. This work shows the results of this application: a new organic non-toxic and non-flammable liquid scintillator has been identified.
Fluorescence,Ion Beam Induced Luminescence,Liquid scintillators,Detectors,Neutrons
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