Efficacy of a Probiotic and Herbal Supplement in Models of Lung Inflammation


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Background: Gut microbiome dysbiosis is associated with lung disease through the gut-lung axis. Abundant proteobacteria increase MMP-9 and contribute to tissue proteolysis followed by neutrophil recruitment, lung tissue injury, and perpetuation of chronic lung disease. We sought to determine if a scientifically formulated probiotic and herbal supplement could attenuate neutrophilic inflammation and improve lung structure and function in models of lung inflammation. Methods: For in vitro experiments, epithelial cells exposed to proteobacteria were treated with resB—a blend of three probiotic Lactobacillus strains and turmeric, holy basil, and vasaka herbal extracts. For in vivo experimentation, mice exposed to pulmonary proteobacteria-derived lipopolysaccharide were treated by gavage with resB. Results: In vitro, the bacterial and herbal components of resB decreased activity of the MMP-9 pathway. Mice exposed to LPS and pre- and post-treated with resB had decreased neutrophil recruitment and inflammatory biomarkers in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, serum, and lung tissue compared to untreated mice. Conclusions: This study describes the mechanisms and efficacy of probiotic and herbal blend in pre-clinical models of lung injury and inflammation.
lung inflammation,probiotic supplement,chronic pulmonary disease
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