
A Novel Workflow for Crop Type Mapping with a Time Series of Synthetic Aperture Radar and Optical Images in the Google Earth Engine.

Remote sensing(2022)

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High-resolution crop type mapping is of importance for site-specific agricultural management and food security in smallholder farming regions, but is challenging due to limited data availability and the need for image-based algorithms. In this paper, we developed an efficient object- and pixel-based mapping algorithm to generate a 10 m resolution crop type map over large spatial domains by integrating time series optical images (Sentinel-2) and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images (Sentinel-1) using the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform. The results showed that the proposed method was reliable for crop type mapping in the study area with an overall accuracy (OA) of 93.22% and a kappa coefficient (KC) of 0.89. Through experiments, we also found that the monthly median values of the vertical transmit/vertical receive (VV) and vertical transmit/horizontal receive (VH) bands were insensitive to crop type mapping itself, but adding this information to supplement the optical images improved the classification accuracy, with an OA increase of 0.09–2.98%. Adding the slope of vegetation index change (VIslope) at the critical period to crop type classification was obviously better than that of relative change ratio of vegetation index (VIratio), both of which could make an OA improvement of 2.58%. These findings not only highlighted the potential of the VIslope and VIratio indices during the critical period for crop type mapping in small plots, but suggested that SAR images could be included to supplement optical images for crop type classification.
crop type mapping,random forest,vegetation indices,phenological characteristics,Jiaozuo
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