
Integrated O, Fe, and Ti Isotopic Analysis Elucidates Multiple Metal and Fluid Sources for Magnetite from the Ernest Henry Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) Deposit, Queensland, Australia

Ore geology reviews(2022)

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Iron oxide copper gold (IOCG) deposits are globally important sources of Cu; however, their origins remain poorly understood with respect to the metal and fluid sources involved in their formation. In this work, we utilize integrated Fe, Ti, and O isotopic data for magnetite to trace major metal and fluid inputs for the Proterozoic-aged Ernest Henry IOCG deposit-the largest known IOCG deposit in the Cloncurry District, Queensland, Australia. Magnetite separates from ore stage and pre-ore biotite-magnetite (bt-mgt) and magnetite-actinolite (mgt-act) alteration assemblages from Ernest Henry were analyzed for their O, Fe, and Ti isotope abundances, reported as 818O (VSMOW), 856Fe (IRMM-14), and 849Ti (OL-Ti). Select magnetite samples were also analyzed for 17O (reported as Delta iota 17O0.5305) and range from-0.118 to-0.056 %o -suggesting evaporitic input. The 818O values from ore stage (+1.57 to +7.36 %o), bt-mgt (+0.34 to +5.68 %o), and mgt-act (+1.68 to +2.10 %o) samples are consistent with a magmatic-hydrothermal origin for ore and pre-ore mineralizing fluids at Ernest Henry; non -magmatic 818O values > c. 5 %o may be explained through localized carbonate wall rock assimilation. Despite this, 856Fe values for ore stage (-0.50 to +0.33 %o), bt-mgt (-0.65 to +0.38 %o), and mgt-act (-0.26 to +0.30 %o) magnetite are generally isotopically lighter than the accepted range (c. +0.06 to +0.49 %o) for igneous and magmatic-hydrothermal magnetite and exhibit a relatively large range of c. 1 %o, suggesting Fe source mixing within the deposit. Ore stage magnetite 849Ti (-1.64 to + 3.79 %o; avg: +1.49 %o; 2c5 = 2.63 %o) compositions are generally higher and more variable than either the bt-mgt (-0.44 to + 1.49 %o; avg: +0.62 %o; 2c5 = 1.13 %o) or mgt-act (+0.27 to + 1.89 %o; avg: +1.05 %o; 2c5 = 1.56 %o) and suggest that Ti isotope fractionation occurred due to differential mobility in the fluid. The data are best explained by models invoking both magmatic and non -magmatic metal and fluid input. Fluid flow channeled between the footwall and hanging wall shear zones introduced non-magmatic Fe that may have been leached from local mafic units by magmatic-hydrothermal fluids, resulting in neoformed and regeneratively replaced magnetite with magmatic 818O, but non-magmatic 856Fe values during pre-ore alteration. These fluids may have mixed with Fe-poor evaporitic fluids prior to magnetite formation. Later magmatic Fe and O contributions during ore stage mineralization resulted in magnetite with variable 856Fe and irresolvable 818O overprinting. Ernest Henry is the first known example of an IOCG deposit with a major leached metal component identified through metal stable isotope geochemistry.
IOCG,Ernest Henry,O isotopes,Fe isotopes,Ti isotopes
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