
Use of Natural Cysteine Protease Inhibitors in Limiting SARS-Co-2 Fusion into Human Respiratory Cells.

Medical hypotheses(2022)

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Specific antibodies that humans acquire as a result of disease or after vaccination are needed to effectively suppress infection with a specific variant of SARS CoV-2 virus. The S protein of the D614G variant of coronavirus is used as an antigen in known vaccines to date. It is known that COVID-19 disease resulting from infection with this coronavirus can often be very dangerous to the health and lives of patients. In contrast, vaccines produce antibodies against an older version of the protein S-D614G (January 2020) and therefore have difficulty recognizing new variants of the virus. In our project we propose to obtain specific and precise antibodies by means of so-called controlled infection against specific infectious variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus "here and now". Currently, several variants of this pathogen have already emerged that threaten the health and lives of patients. We propose to reduce this threat by partially, but not completely, blocking the fusion mechanism of the SARS-CoV-2 virus into human respiratory cells. According to our plan, this can be achieved by inhibiting cathepsin L activity in respiratory cells, after introducing natural and non-toxic cysteine protease inhibitors into this area. We obtain these inhibitors by our own method from natural, "human body friendly" natural resources. We hypothesize that blocking cathepsin L will reduce the number of infecting viruses in cells to such an extent that COVID-19 developing in infected individuals will not threaten their health and life. At the same time, the number of viruses will be sufficient for the body's own immune system to produce precise antibodies against a specific version of this pathogen.
cathepsin L,Controlled fusion,Cysteine protease 2
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