Eliminating Micro-Architectural Side-Channel Attacks using Near Memory Processing

2022 IEEE International Symposium on Secure and Private Execution Environment Design (SEED)(2022)

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Secure architectures are becoming an increasingly common demand. This is due in large part to the rise of cloud computing, as users are trusting their data with hardware that they do not own. Unfortunately, many secure computation and isolation techniques are still susceptible to side-channel attacks. While various defenses to side-channel attacks exist, each tends to be targeted to a specific vulnerability and comes with a high runtime overhead, making it difficult to combine these defenses together in a performant manner.This work proposes an efficient design for preventing a large range of cache side-channel attacks by leveraging a near-memory processing (NMP) architecture. Specifically, the proposed design stores all sensitive data in isolated NMP vaults and performs all computation involving that sensitive data on NMP cores. Our approach eliminates possible cache side-channels while also minimizing runtime overhead when the parallelizability of NMP architecture is leveraged. Simulation results from a cycle-accurate architecture model shows that offloading secure computation to NMP cores can have as little as 0.26% overhead.
near memory processing,secure architecture,cache side-channel defense,hardware security
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