Clinical and experimental research progress on neurotoxicity of sulfur mustard and its possible mechanisms


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Sulfur mustard (SM), an extremely reactive alkylating toxicant, which poses a continuing threat to both military and civilian populations. SM targets three major organs including skin, eyes and lungs. In recent years, more and more clinical findings have shown that cognitive and emotional disorders in veterans intoxicated with SM, such as anxiety, depression, apathy, cognitive decline and so on, which indicated the long time toxic effects on mental and neurological health of SM. The experimental studies in animal and cell models have also found neumtoxicity which are similar to clinical results. However, these neuropsychological problems are not studied well in victims of SM and the mental and neurological complications are often not subjected to treatment or undertreated. Until now, the exact mechanism of the action of SM toxicity has not been elucidated and no specific therapy for its poisoning exists. Therefore, the studies on neurotoxicity of SM should be strengthened. This review summarizes the main progress of clinical and experimental researches on neurotoxicity of SM for the past few years.
Sulfur mustard,Neurotoxicity,Clinical study,Experimental study
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