Pentameric assembly of glycine receptor intracellular domains provides insights into gephyrin clustering


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Pentameric ligand-gated ion channels represent a large family of receptors comprising an extracellular domain, four transmembrane helices and a cytosolic intracellular domain (ICD). ICDs play important roles in receptor localization and trafficking, thus regulating synaptic activity and plasticity. Glycine and GABA type A receptor ICDs bind to the scaffolding protein gephyrin, a master regulator of inhibitory synapses. Here we report the use of yeast lumazine synthase as soluble pentameric protein scaffold for the study of receptor ICDs derived from GlyR alpha1 and beta-subunits. We were able to create ICDs assemblies in a homo- (LS-betaICD) and hetero-pentameric state (LS-alpha/betaICD) and provide first-in-class structural insights on their high structural flexibility using small angle X-ray scattering. We report a high-affinity interaction between the LS-alpha/betaICD and gephyrin leading to the in vitro formation of high-molecular mega-Dalton complexes composed of three gephyrin trimers and three pentamers as basic building block. Depending on the stoichiometric ratios between gephyrin and LS-ICDs the formed complexes grow or shrink in size. In cells, LS-ICDs efficiently recruited gephyrin and were able to accumulate gephyrin at GABAergic synapses in neurons. Our findings collectively propose a new, potentially general, mechanistic concept for a gephyrin-dependent bridging of GlyRs at the inhibitory synapse. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
glycine receptor,gephyrin clustering,intracellular domains,pentameric assembly
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