
On the Detection of High-Quality, High-Density Electromyograms During 80m Sprints: a Case Study

2022 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA)(2022)

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Surface electromyograms (EMGs) have been often used to study muscle function in locomotor activities. Typically, EMGs are sampled with a single pair of electrodes, providing information on the timing and degree of muscle excitation. Additional information may be obtained when sampling EMGs with multiple electrodes from the same, target muscles. Studies using high-density EMGs (HD-EMGs) in locomotor activities are limited to laboratory settings and low speed tasks, likely due to the technical shortcomings in the commercially available systems for high-density recordings. This issue is further aggravated when kinematics data are necessary for associating EMGs with events of interest during the movement cycle. By combining two systems, ad hoc developed for the on-field recording of kinematics data and HD-EMGs, here we present single-case results during extreme-speed locomotion-the 80 m sprint on an official, athletic track. Our aim was to verify whether descriptors of quality documented in the EMG literature during well-controlled, isometric contractions, apply to the HD-EMGs we detected and segmented with respect to the running cycles. From a single, elite sprinter, we were able to obtain HD-EMGs with negligible movement artifacts and with temporal profiles typically characterizing action potentials of single motor units. Our results would seem to advocate the possibility of using HD-EMG to study muscle function during highly dynamic contractions outside the laboratory settings.
high-density EMG,inertial sensor,running,sprint,gastrocnemius
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