Ethnopharmacological study of the genus Coffea and compounds of biological importance CON NI

J. Gallardo-Ignacio, P. Nicasio-Torres,A. Santibanez, S. L. Cabrera-Hilerio,F. Cruz-Sosa


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The present review is focused to know the origin of the coffee drink, its agroindustrial position in Mexico and the world, and the importance of its biological effcts on huan health. Coffe is ntive of Ethioia and it was used iArab coutries as food and (Biodegradation mod ling of sludge bioreactors of total petroleum hydrocarbon s wea hering in oi as a fermented beverage due to its stimulating effect. Over the years the "Moka" infusion of green and/or roasted beans became and sediments) popular in Europe. The genus Coffea (Rubiaceae) comprises more than 100 species of which the best known are C. arabica and S A Medina Moreno S Huerta Ochoa C A Lucho Constant no L Aguilera Vazquez A Jimenez C. canephora and their hybrids Colombia, Oro Azteca and Costa Rica 95, which are resistant to the rust fungus. The predominant G al y M G ie R j commercial production (70%) and infusion drinking is of C. arabica due to its cup quality, low caffeine content and fine aroma, on its part C. canephora is mainly used as a base for instant coffee. The main consumers are the United States and countries of the 9 ec m o, sob ev e cia y adapt c on d Bifid ba i f a co dicones acdas European Union, while the main producers are Brazil and Vietnam. Mexico is the tenth largest producer, with Chiapas being the (Growth, survival and adaptation o Bifidobacterium infantis to acidic conditions) major producer and Guerrero standing out for its organic and specialty coffee by indigenous communities. Coffee beans are rich L M g R P B ta C mil A G ie z N E B Fl id A A l in phenolic compounds such as chlorogenic acids (CGAs) and alkaloids like caffeine and trigonelline, their contents are reduced after the beans are roasted. Trigonelline and CGAs confer aroma, bitterness and astringency to coffee. The main biological effectsEspi of CGAs are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic, and caffeine is a neurostimulator.
chlorogenic acid, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, coffee, caffeine, Coffea
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