
Prediction and Compensation Model of Longitudinal and Lateral Deck Motion for Automatic Landing Guidance System


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This paper mainly studies the longitudinal and lateral deck motion compensation technology. In order to ensure the safe landing of the carrier-based aircrafts on the flight decks of carriers during the landing process, it is necessary to introduce deck motion information into the guidance law information of the automatic landing guidance system when the aircraft is about to land so that the aircraft can track the deck motion. To compensate the influence of the height change in the ideal landing point on the landing process, the compensation effects of the deck motion compensators with different design parameters are verified by simulation. For further phase-lead compensation for the longitudinal automatic landing guidance system, a deck motion predictor is designed based on the particle filter optimal prediction theory and the AR model time series analysis method. Because the influence of up and down motions on the vertical motion of the ideal landing point is the largest, the compensation effects of the designed predictor and compensator are simulated and verified based on the up and down motion of the power spectrum. For the compensation for the lateral motion, a tracking strategy of the horizontal measurement axis of the inertial stability coordinate system to the horizontal axis of the hull coordinate system (center line of the deck) is proposed. The tracking effects of the horizontal measurement axis of the designed integral and inertial tracking strategies are simulated and compared. Secondly, the lateral deck motion compensation commands are designed, and the compensation effects of different forms of compensation commands are verified by simulations. Finally, the compensation effects for the lateral deck motion under integral and inertial tracking strategies are simulated and analyzed.
deck motion prediction,deck motion compensation,particle filtering,automatic carrier landing,phase-lead network
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