
A Novel Homobinuclear Copper(II) Complex with Resorcinolate: Synthesis, Characterization and Assessment of Antibacterial Activity

Chemistry Africa(2022)

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Transition metal complexes are endowed with properties suitable for the inhibition of bacterial infectious diseases. Based on this, the identification and synthesis of new transition metal complexes is a passion for scientists. In this report, a copper(II) homobinuclear complex containing resorcinolate (R) with formula Na 8 [Cu 2 R 6 ] was synthesized. The complex was characterized using physico-chemical and spectroscopic techniques such as (UV–Vis, FT-IR, ICP-OES, electrochemical (CV), molar conductivity, pH, melting point, qualitative chloride test, and solubility tests). From metal and chloride estimation data the stoichiometry of the complexes was found to be 2:3 (metal:ligand) having the general formula Na 8 [Cu 2 R 6 ]. The molar conductance value in water indicated the nonelectrolytic nature of the complex. Furthermore, the complex was evaluated for its in-vitro antibacterial activities against Gram-positive ( Staphyloccus aureus and Streptococcus pyogens ) and Gram-negative ( Escherichia coli , Klebsiella pneumoniae ) bacterial species by disc diffusion method. The result obtained was compared with commercially available drug (Gentamicin) by calculating percent activity index. The complex was found to be active against all the tested bacteria. According to the percent activity index data, the complex showed higher antibacterial activity than gentamicin in even Gram-negative bacterial strains. Thus, after the in vivo cytotoxicity investigation, pre-clinical and clinical tests the complex could be considered as a potential antimicrobial agent.
Resorcinol,Resorcinolate,Synthesis,Homobinuclear Cu(II) complex,Antibacterial activity
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