
Accurate and Contactless COVID-19 Fever Screening and Attendance Tracking System

2022 2nd International Conference on Computing and Machine Intelligence (ICMI)(2022)

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Over the past two years, COVID-19 has led to and is still leading to lots of deaths to date. Many industries have been affected by that, and governments have united in finding ways to mitigate the spread of the disease, thus leading life to return to normal. There are several ways that were followed to do that, such as social distancing, thermal screening, and virtual communication. Thermal screening has proven its practicality in certain entities that require face-to-face contact. Researchers have been contributing to finding effective ways to develop screening methods to help re-accelerate the learning process. This paper proposes a fever screening system to record and track individuals’ temperature and an attendance tracking system for educational institutions. The system measures the individual’s temperature and records it, and saves their attendance in a database. After completing the measurement taking of an individual, the system uses a buzzer to inform the following individual that it is their turn. This allows the institution to monitor any temperature spikes among the individuals while recording their attendance without close contact at the entrance. Our results validate the usefulness and potential of our system as a fever screening and attendance tracking tool. It also opens the door for further development, allowing regular operation in educational institutions during any upcoming pandemics.
Fever Screening,Face Identification,Attendance Verification
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