Real-time data on the prognosis of acute ischemic stroke patients in the Tochigi Clinical ObservatioNal registry for 1-year mortality of aCute ischEmic stRoke patieNt (T-CONCERN) study

Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology(2022)

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Background It is important to gauge mortality in real time following an ischemic stroke. However, there is limited in-hospital and post-discharge clinical data that focuses on the real-time prognosis of acute ischemic strokes. Purpose To comprehensively analyze ischemic stroke mortality during a hospital stay and 1 year after the onset of a stroke. Materials and methods Initially, 1514 consecutive acute ischemic stroke patients were admitted to our facility within 7 days after the onset of a stroke. Of these, 1116 patients who were successfully surveyed 1 year after onset were finally analyzed. Baseline, physical, laboratory, and stroke clinical data were recorded and analyzed. Results The proportion of deaths within 1 year was 14.5%, 4.9% without discharge was and 9.6% after discharge within 1 year. Cardioembolic ischemic strokes were responsible for nearly 50% of the deaths within 1 year while the remaining deaths were due to non-cardioembolic ischemic strokes. After 1 year, survival rate in the hospital decreased significantly, depending on whether the stroke was recurrent or if there was bleeding without a stroke. Conclusions Our study reveals the real-time survival data 1 year after the onset of a stroke, in-hospital and post-discharge mortality rates, and several issues associated with the treatment of acute ischemic strokes.
Acute ischemic stroke,Cardioembolism,Prognosis,Stroke mortality,Stroke treatment
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