Robust genetic model-based SNP-set association test using CauchyGM


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MotivationAssociation testing on genome-wide association studies (GWAS) data is commonly performed under a single (mostly additive) genetic model framework. However, the underlying true genetic mechanisms are often unknown in practice for most complex traits. When the employed inheritance model deviates from the underlying model, statistical power may be reduced. To overcome this challenge, an integrative association test that directly infers the underlying genetic model from GWAS data has previously been proposed for single-SNP analysis.ResultsIn this article, we propose a Cauchy combination Genetic Model-based association test (CauchyGM) under a generalized linear model framework for SNP-set level analysis. CauchyGM does not require prior knowledge on the underlying inheritance pattern of each SNP. It performs a score test that first estimates an individual P-value of each SNP in an SNP-set with both minor allele frequency (MAF) > 1% and three genotypes and further aggregates the rest SNPs using SKAT. CauchyGM then combines the correlated P-values across multiple SNPs and different genetic models within the set using Cauchy Combination Test. To further accommodate both sparse and dense signal patterns, we also propose an omnibus association test (CauchyGM-O) by combining CauchyGM with SKAT and the burden test. Our extensive simulations show that both CauchyGM and CauchyGM-O maintain the type I error well at the genome-wide significance level and provide substantial power improvement compared to existing methods. We apply our methods to a pharmacogenomic GWAS data from a large cardiovascular randomized clinical trial. Both CauchyGM and CauchyGM-O identify several novel genome-wide significant genes.Availability and implementationThe R package CauchyGM is publicly available on github: .Supplementary informationare available at Bioinformatics online.
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