Author Correction: Generation and comparative analysis of an Itga8-CreER T2 mouse with preferential activity in vascular smooth muscle cells

Nature Cardiovascular Research(2023)

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All current smooth muscle cell (SMC) Cre mice similarly recombine floxed alleles in vascular and visceral SMCs. Here we present an Itga8-CreERT2 knock-in mouse and compare its activity with a Myh11-CreERT2 mouse. Both Cre drivers demonstrate equivalent recombination in vascular SMCs. However, Myh11-CreERT2 mice, but not Itga8-CreERT2 mice, display high activity in visceral SMC-containing tissues such as intestine, show early tamoxifen-independent activity and produce high levels of CreERT2 protein. Whereas Myh11-CreERT2-mediated knockout of serum response factor (Srf) causes a lethal intestinal phenotype precluding analysis of the vasculature, loss of Srf with Itga8-CreERT2 (SrfItga8) yields viable mice with no evidence of intestinal pathology. Male and female SrfItga8 mice exhibit vascular contractile incompetence, and angiotensin II causes elevated blood pressure in wild-type, but not SrfItga8, male mice. These findings establish the Itga8-CreERT2 mouse as an alternative to existing SMC Cre mice for unfettered phenotyping of vascular SMCs after selective gene loss. Warthi et al. generated an alpha 8 integrin-cre driver that enables gene targeting preferentially in vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and show, in a proof-of-principle study, that using the Itga8-CreERT2 knock-in mouse for selective ablation of the Srf gene causes vascular defects but not a lethal visceral myopathy observed in an SMC-specific Myh11-CreERT2-driven Srf loss.
Cardiovascular biology,Genetic engineering,Genetics,Cardiovascular Biology
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