Timescale-dependent X-ray to UV time lags of NGC 4593 using high-intensity XMM-Newton observations with Swift and AstroSat


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We present a 140ks observation of NGC 4593 with XMM-Newton providing simultaneous and continuous PN X-ray and OM UV (UVW1 2910\AA) lightcurves which sample short-timescale variations better than previous observations. These observations were simultaneous with 22d of Swift X-ray and UV/optical monitoring, reported previously, and 4d of AstroSat X-ray (SXT), far (FUV 1541\AA), and near (NUV 2632\AA) UV allowing lag measurements between them and the highly-sampled XMM. From the XMM we find that UVW1 lags behind the X-rays by 29.5$\pm$1.3ks, $\sim$half the lag previously determined from the Swift monitoring. Re-examination of the \textit{Swift} data reveals a bimodal lag distribution, with evidence for both the long and short lags. However if we detrend the Swift lightcurves by LOWESS filtering with a 5d width, only the shorter lag (23.8$\pm$21.2ks) remains. The NUV observations, compared to PN and SXT, confirm the $\sim$30ks lag found by XMM and, after 4d filtering is applied to remove the long-timescale component, the FUV shows a lag of $\sim$23ks. The resultant new UVW1, FUV, and NUV lag spectrum extends to the X-ray band without requiring additional X-ray to UV lag offset, which if the UV arises from reprocessing of X-rays, implies direct illumination of the reprocessor. By referencing previous Swift and HST lag measurements, we obtain an X-ray to optical lag spectrum which agrees with a model using the KYNreverb disc-reprocessing code, assuming the accepted mass of $7.63\times10^{6}M_{\odot}$ and a spin approaching maximum. Previously noted lag contribution from the BLR in the Balmer and Paschen continua are still prominent.
uv timescale-dependent lags,ngc,x-ray,high-intensity,xmm-newton
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