
Oriental Theileriosis Associated with a New Genotype of Theileria Orientalis in Buffalo (bubalus Bubalis) Calves in Uttar Pradesh, India

Ticks and tick-borne diseases(2023)

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Theileria orientalis is known to cause a benign infection in cattle and buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). However, the Ikeda and Chitose genotypes of the parasite cause lethal disease in beef and dairy cattle. Recently an outbreak of clinical oriental theileriosis occurred in buffalo calves in a Government Animal Husbandry and Agricultural Farm located in Uttar Pradesh, India. Examination of Giemsa stained thin blood smears revealed typical rod-shaped T. orientalis piroplasms in the erythrocytes. The clinical signs included pyrexia, nasal discharge, lacrimation, lethargy, inappetence and anaemia with varying degrees of paleness of the visible mucous membranes. Vascular congestion in internal organs, pulmonary emphysema and consolidation of lungs, focal areas of necrosis in the heart with mononuclear cell infiltration, focal mononuclear cell aggregation in the cortex and tubular degeneration of the kidney were significant necropsy findings. The T. orientalis major piroplasm surface protein (MPSP) gene was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using specific primers. The nucleotide sequence analysis of the PCR product revealed 84.8% identity between the T. orientalis Uttar Pradesh isolate and other reference genotypes available in the public domain. Furthermore, the phylogenetic analysis of the MPSP gene sequence ratified that this is a new genotype of T. orientalis. This is the first report of a clinical outbreak of oriental theileriosis in Indian buffalo calves caused by a novel genotype of T. orientalis.
Theileria orientalis,Buffalo calves,Clinical outbreak,Genotype,Uttar Pradesh,Ticks
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