
Attentional Impairment in Parkinson's Disease is Modulated by Side of Onset: Neurophysiological Evidence.

Clinical neurophysiology(2023)

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Objective: Neurophysiological studies exploring involuntary attention have reported that electroen-cephalographic (EEG) measures can indicate impaired neural processing from initial stages of Parkinson's disease (PD). Since involuntary attention is regulated by right hemisphere networks and PD generally initiates its motor symptomatology unilaterally, whether involuntary attention is impaired depending on the onset side of PD remains unknown. Methods: We compared the neurophysiological correlates of involuntary attention among a PD group with left-side onset (L-PD), a PD group with right-side onset (R-PD) symptomatology, and a healthy con-trol group (HC). All participants performed an auditory involuntary attention task while a digital EEG was recorded.Results: Our main finding was a reduction both in the P3a amplitude and evoked delta-theta phase alignment in the L-PD group compared to the HC. Further, there was a significant correlation between P3a amplitude and disease duration in the R-PD, but not in the L-PD group. Behaviorally, both clinical groups, and in particular L-PD, showed reduced orientation towards novel stimuli, and no reduction of distraction effects during the experiment.Conclusions: Our results indicate that involuntary attention is differentially impaired in patients with left side onset of symptoms. Involuntary attention impairment might be present from initial stages of left onset PD and become progressively compromised in patients with right onset PD. Significance: The onset side of symptomatology should be considered for attentional impairment in PD.CO 2022 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Attention,Novelty detection,Side of onset,Slow -wave phase alignment,P3a,Parkinson?s disease
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