Well-being as a Composite Capability in the Smart Building Domain: A Formal and Technical Study

2022 IEEE European Technology and Engineering Management Summit (E-TEMS)(2022)

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Smart building value-added capabilities are gaining significant attention from various stakeholders, including the general public, researchers, and industry. One such capability is well-being, a composition of multiple atomic capabilities that characterize a smart building. Atomic functions that compose a well-being capability include temperature, noise level, pollution level, and humidity, to name a few. Multiple efforts have addressed this specific capability and its composition requirements and techniques from standardization, technical, and quality of service aspects. One such effort is the IoT and CPS Composition Framework (ICCF), a novel framework for rapid modeling, specifying, verifying, and prototyping IoT and CPS capabilities. ICCF relies on the NIST CPS Framework guidelines to address different stakeholders' concerns; it also leverages composition semantics inspired by the mPlane platform to describe entities and interactions intuitively. In addition, it uses the Temporal Logic of Actions + (TLA+) formal verification techniques to verify the correctness of core functions. This work leverages the ICCF framework to provide the following contributions: i) description of a stakeholder-defined well-being composition capability based on the ICCF framework foundations, ii) an in-depth characterization of the well-being capability, iii) considerations regarding the formal aspects of the well-being capability, including verifying its correctness, deadlock, and state-space, iv) implementation of the composite capability using a lightweight microservices environment, v) discussion of results based on the different domains of interest including residential buildings and factories. Finally, a summary of this effort is provided, and challenges to capabilities composition as well as future plans for improvement are highlighted.
Internet of Things(IoT),Cyber-Physical Systems(CPS),Composition,Smart Buildings,Well-being,Formal Verification,Micro-services
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