Data Type Bugs Taxonomy: Integer Overflow, Juggling, and Pointer Arithmetics in Spotlight

2022 IEEE 29th Annual Software Technology Conference (STC)(2022)

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In this work, we present an orthogonal classification of data type bugs, allowing precise structured descriptions of related software vulnerabilities. We utilize the Bugs Framework (BF) approach to define four language-independent classes that cover all possible kinds of data type bugs. In BF each class is a taxonomic category of a weakness type defined by sets of operations, cause$\rightarrow$consequence relations, and attributes. A BF description of a bug or a weakness is an instance of a taxonomic BF class with one operation, one cause, one consequence, and their attributes. Any vulnerability then can be described as a chain of such instances and their consequence-cause transitions. With our newly developed classes Declaration Bugs, Name Resolution Bugs, Type Conversion Bugs, and Type Computation Bugs, we confirm that BF is a classification system that extends the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE). The proposed classes allow clear communication about software bugs that relate to misuse of data types, and provide a structured way to precisely describe data type related vulnerabilities.
Bug classification,bug taxonomy,software vulnerability,software weakness,type conversion,integer overflow,pointer scaling,juggling
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