
A "click" Reaction to Engineer MoS2 Field-Effect Transistors with Low Contact Resistance.

ACS nano(2022)

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Two-dimensional (2D) materials with the atomically thin thickness have attracted great interest in the postMoore's Law era because of their tremendous potential to continue transistor downscaling and offered advances in device performance at the atomic limit. However, the metal-semi-conductor contact is the bottleneck in field-effect transistors (FETs) integrating 2D semiconductors as channel materials. A robust and tunable doping method at the source and drain region of 2D transistors to minimize the contact resistance is highly sought after. Here we report a stable carrier doping method via the mild covalent grafting of maleimides on the surface of 2D transition metal dichalcogenides. The chemisorbed interaction contributes to the efficient carrier doping without degrading the high-performance carrier transport. Density functional theory results further illustrate that the molecular functionalization leads to the mild hybridization and the negligible impact on the conduction bands of monolayer MoS2, avoiding the random scattering from the dopants. Differently from reported molecular treatments, our strategy displays high thermal stability (above 300 degrees C) and it is compatible with micro/nano processing technology. The contact resistance of MoS2 FETs can be greatly reduced by similar to 12 times after molecular functionalization. The Schottky barrier of 44 meV is achieved on monolayer MoS2 FETs, demonstrating efficient charge injection between metal and 2D semiconductor. The mild covalent functionalization of molecules on 2D semiconductors represents a powerful strategy to perform the carrier doping and the device optimization.
Two-dimensional materials,covalent functionalization,carrier doping,contact resistance,thermal stability
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