Perturbed Multiplicative Weights Update in Learning of Game

2022 International Conference on Machine Learning, Cloud Computing and Intelligent Mining (MLCCIM)(2022)

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Multiplicative Weights Update (MWU) has been studied extensively due to many applications in machine learning, constrained optimization, and game theory. In the non-convex optimization problems, saddle points are the main obstruction to produce high-quality optimizers, i.e., the critical points that is not local or global optima. Recent works in optimization and machine learning has addressed the escaping saddle point problem in a promise way-adding perturbation to iterations. Despite the popularity of MWU and perturbed first-order methods, there is a problem remains unaddressed: is there a perturbed version of MWU algorithms so that the algorithm can escape saddle points efficiently. This paper focuses on a spherical framework for MWU and its application in building result on escaping saddle points. Combining with the recent development on escaping saddle points with perturbed Riemannian gradient descent, we derive a non-asymptotic convergence results for perturbed MWU.
Machine Learning,Perturbed gradient descent,multiplicative weights update,escaping saddle points
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