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Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Education in the Case of Self-driving Vehicle Curriculum

2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)(2022)

Cited 1|Views14
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is currently a hot topic both in industry and engineering education. As a multidisciplinary field, self-driving vehicle (SDV) research has attracted much attention and is significant for applying and promoting AI. This paper presents our SDV curriculum for engineering education, which was developed with a fundamental basis in AI. The curriculum consists of five courses: Practical Methods Based on Robotics, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Digital Logic, and Embedded Development for Linux. Students with different academic backgrounds interested in AI or SDV can be trained by theoretical lectures and laboratory sessions at different levels. Students participating in the curriculum have inspired innovative ideas and practically implemented further work in the SDV field. In addition, we have produced educational resources including textbooks and an experimental SDV system. These case studies are discussed here. The curriculum has received highly positive feedback from students, which shows the effectiveness of our work. We are refining and promoting the curriculum for more students who are seeking knowledge and ability in AI and SDV fields.
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artificial intelligence,engineering education,multidisciplinary field,SDV curriculum,academic backgrounds,theoretical lectures,laboratory sessions,educational resources including textbooks,experimental SDV system,self-driving vehicle curriculum,robotics,innovation,entrepreneurship,digital logic,Linux embedded development
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