Robust dimethyl-based multiplex-DIA workflow doubles single-cell proteome depth via a reference channel

Marvin Thielert, Corazon Ericka Mae Itang,Constantin Ammar, Florian A Schober, Isabell Bludau,Patricia Skowronek, Maria Wahle,Wen-Feng Zeng, Xie-Xuan Zhou,Andreas-David Brunner, Sabrina Richter,Fabian J Theis, Martin Steger,Matthias Mann

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2022)

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Single-cell proteomics aims to characterize biological function and heterogeneity at the level of proteins in an unbiased manner. It is currently limited in proteomic depth, throughput and robustness, a challenge that we address here by a streamlined multiplexed workflow using data-independent acquisition (mDIA). We demonstrate automated and complete dimethyl labeling of bulk or single-cell samples, without losing proteomic depth. In single runs of mammalian cells, a three-plex analysis of tryptic peptides quantified 7,700 proteins per channel. The Lys-N enzyme enables five-plex quantification at MS1 and MS2 level. Because the multiplex channels are quantitatively isolated from each other, mDIA accommodates a reference channel that does not interfere with the target channels. Our algorithm RefQuant takes advantage of this feature and confidently quantifies close to 4,000 proteins in single cells with excellent reproducibility, while our workflow currently allows routine analysis of 80 single cells per day. The concept of a stable proteome still holds at this deeper proteome coverage. ### Competing Interest Statement MM is an indirect shareholder in EvoSep Biosystems. All other authors have no relevant competing interests.
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