
Research on the Effectiveness Evaluation and Investment Decision of Distribution Network Assets Based on Multi-dimensional Lean Management System

2022 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CICED)(2022)

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With the deepening reform of electric power, the company is facing the challenge of continuous steady operation, to actively adapt to the new situation of reform of electric power, promote the development of the company and the grid quality, based on the power big data information, combined with the financial value of the asset information, using big data analysis technology, the main research point is the assets of the power grid station area, first of all, based on multi-dimensional lean management system reform, revise the calculation logic of power sales revenue, power purchase cost and power distribution area expenses in distribution area, automatically generate revenue, cost and profit statements, and integrate them with related business indicators to form comprehensive statements of industry and finance integration. Then, based on the characteristics of assets, the requirements of power reform investment, and the methods of cost supervision, the evaluation index system of asset effectiveness is revised, the efficiency and benefit of asset operation are tracked and analyzed, the effectiveness of assets is controlled in real time, and the calculation of the capital and cost investment requirements of assets, providing effective support for the company's business decisions.
distribution network,multi-dimensional lean,big data analysis,investment decision,investment planning
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