Smoking behavior recognition based on a two-level attention fine-grained model and EfficientDet network.

Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems(2022)

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A new smoking behavior recognition algorithm based on a weak supervision fine-grained structure and the EficientDet network is proposed in this study to solve the poor recognition effect and lack of data samples of smoking behavior in complex situations. The proposed algorithm uses the framework of a fine-grained two-level attention model with weak supervision. First, the feature edge of the image block is detected by a structured method, and the edge is screened by nonmaximum suppression to form a candidate region block. Smoking behavior can then be recognized effectively by combining the results of the object-level filter for specific objects and the local-level filter for locating discriminant parts. Second, the object-level filter uses an improved EfficientDet network to classify prospective objects and candidate regions with strong features. The present smoking behavior recognition algorithm and coarse- and fine-grained algorithms are compared to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm. Experimental results show that the accuracy of the proposed algorithm is 93.10%, which is higher than that of the optimal smoking behavior detection algorithm by 1.7%, and the error detection rate is 3.6%.
Smoking,EfficienDet network,weakly supervised fine-grained target detection,attention mechanism,behavior recognition
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