A Novel Method of Transmitting Text Messages via Images using Chaotic Encryption

Sugato Chakrabarty, Shyamasree Ghosh,Pratham Majumder

2022 IEEE 3rd Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT)(2022)

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Various methods of chaotic encryption have been proposed to securely transmit images using a private key. These images are first encrypted using a private key, transmitted over a channel and then decrypted using the same private key. In this paper, we propose a novel low-complex method for transmitting a text using the ideas and methods of chaotic encryption. In this method, the text is first converted to an image after which the image is encrypted using a chaotic encryption technique. At the receiving end, the image is first decrypted and then the text is retrieved from the image using a technique that happens to be the inverse of the technique used to convert the text to the image. The strength of our proposed scheme has been demonstrated by 15 standard randomness tests, benchmarked by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) SP-800-22 Test Suite, also capable of generating a high amount of unpredictability in the generated key, making it difficult for the adversary to decipher the message.
chaotic encryption,stream cipher,key generation
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