
Vaccine Development for Newcastle Disease Virus in Poultry : Vaccine Development for NDV

2022 7th International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Science (ICIIBMS)(2022)

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The causative agent of Newcastle disease (ND) is Newcastle disease virus. It is an Avian species of orthoavulavirus and if left untreated it may cause the spread of epidemic in the poultry. Many vaccines have been made against the Newcastle disease based on inactivated and attenuated viruses but become useless due to the genetic changes in the virus. Previously, by using immune informatic approaches, multi epitope vaccine was constructed against Hemagglutunin neuraminidase protein of the Newcastle disease virus. But we are aimed to design a vaccine with higher antigenicity compare to the previously designed one. The vaccine construct with higher antigenicity could induce stronger immune primary and secondary immune response upon inoculation of the vaccine in the host body. New vaccine chimeras were generated by the shuffling of the CTLs present in previous multi epitope vaccine (MEV). Highest antigenic multi epitope construct was selected for the further study. Our new MEV construct contains 259 amino acids and is immunogenic, more antigenic and non-allergen. The construct was subject to 3D refine for further refinement. Molecular docking with chicken Toll-Like Receptor 4 was performed which showed maximum binding with the receptors. Immune simulation was performed to see the host’s ability to produce primary and secondary immune responses. Study suggests that our new multi epitope vaccine chimera is more effective and stable protein against NDV strains in Pakistan. The next step is to confirm the results of the research through wet lab experiments.
CTL shuffling,multi-Epitope vaccine,antigenicity,vaccine chimeras
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