Zearalenone disturbs the reproductive-immune axis in pigs: the role of gut microbial metabolites


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Background Exposure to zearalenone (ZEN, a widespread Fusarium mycotoxin) causes reproductive toxicity and immunotoxicity in farm animals, and it then poses potential threats to human health through the food chain. A systematic understanding of underlying mechanisms on mycotoxin-induced toxicity is necessary for overcoming potential threats to farm animals and humans. The gastrointestinal tract is a first-line defense against harmful mycotoxins; however, it remains unknown whether mycotoxin (e.g., ZEN)-induced toxicity on the reproductive-immune axis is linked to altered gut microbial metabolites. In this study, using pigs (during the three phases) as an important large animal model, we investigated whether ZEN-induced toxicity on immune defense in the reproductive-immune axis was involved in altered gut microbial-derived metabolites. Moreover, we observed whether the regulation of gut microbial-derived metabolites through engineering ZEN-degrading enzymes counteracted ZEN-induced toxicity on the gut-reproductive-immune axis. Results Here, we showed ZEN exposure impaired immune defense in the reproductive-immune axis of pigs during phase 1/2. This impairment was accompanied by altered gut microbial-derived metabolites [e.g., decreased butyrate production, and increased lipopolysaccharides (LPS) production]. Reduction of butyrate production impaired the intestinal barrier via a GPR109A-dependent manner, and together with increased LPS in plasma then aggravated the systemic inflammation, thus directly and/or indirectly disturbing immune defense in the reproductive-immune axis. To validate these findings, we further generated recombinant Bacillus subtilis 168-expressing ZEN-degrading enzyme ZLHY-6 (the Bs-Z6 strain) as a tool to test the feasibility of enzymatic removal of ZEN from mycotoxin-contaminated food. Notably, modified gut microbial metabolites (e.g., butyrate, LPS) through the recombinant Bs-Z6 strain counteracted ZEN-induced toxicity on the intestinal barrier, thus enhancing immune defense in the reproductive-immune axis of pigs during phase-3. Also, butyrate supplementation restored ZEN-induced abnormalities in the porcine small intestinal epithelial cell. Conclusions Altogether, these results highlight the role of gut microbial-derived metabolites in ZEN-induced toxicity on the gut-reproductive-immune axis. Importantly, targeting these gut microbial-derived metabolites opens a new window for novel preventative strategies or therapeutic interventions for mycotoxicosis associated to ZEN.
Mycotoxin,Mycoestrogen,Zearalenone,Butyrate,Lipopolysaccharides,Immunity,Reproductive system,Immune system,Gastrointestinal tract,Sus scrofa
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