
Correlation between standard automated Perimetry, short wavelength Perimetry, and optic coherence tomography parameters in ADOA patients

Acta Ophthalmologica(2022)

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Abstract Purpose: To assess the correlation between white‐on‐white standard automated perimetry (SAP), short‐wavelength automated perimetry (SWAP), and spectral‐domain optical coherence tomography (SD‐OCT) parameters of patients with Autosomal Dominant Optic Atrophy (ADOA) genetically confirmed by the presence of the OPA1 gene mutation. Methods: In this observational, cross‐sectional study 25 eyes of 13 patients with a genetic diagnosis of ADOA were included. All participants performed 24‐2C SAP and 24‐2C SWAP in a randomized order. They also underwent a “Posterior Pole” and “peripapillary RNFL (pRNFL)” scanning protocol using SD‐OCT. The thickness of the ETDRS sectors of each retinal layer and pRNFL was obtained and measured. Mean deviation (MD), pattern standard deviation (PSD), and fovea sensitivity values were obtained from SAP and SWAP. Correlation analysis was performed to evaluate the association between the mean thickness of each retinal layer and visual field parameters. Results: A moderate correlation was found between SAP MD and RPE thickness on the ETDRS grid. A moderate correlation was found between SWAP MD and whole retina, INL, ORL thicknesses on the ETDRS grid. A strong correlation was found between SWAP PSD and whole retina, GCL, IPL, INL, IRL thicknesses on the ETDRS grid. A strong correlation was also found between SWAP PSD and the temporal sector and PMB values on pRNFL. A strong correlation was found between SAP fovea sensitivity and GCL thickness on the ETDRS grid. A strong correlation was also found between SAP fovea sensitivity and the global pRNFL value. Conclusions: Both SAP and SWAP parameters can provide relevant clinical information on retinal involvement in ADOA patients. The most important function parameters that seem to correlate better with structure involvement were PSD on SWAP and foveal sensitivity on SAP.
optic coherence tomography parameters,short wavelength perimetry
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