Restoration of High-Frequency Components in Under Display Camera Images

2022 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC)(2022)

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Under-Display Camera (UDC) systems have been developed to remove noticeable camera holes or notches and entirely cover the front side with the screen. As the name implies, UDCs are placed under the display, generally organic light-emitting diode (OLED) these days. Since the OLED panel is not transparent and consists of circuits and display devices, the light reaching the camera experiences a loss of photons and a complicated point spread function (PSF). As a result, the obtained images through the UDC system usually experience a color shift, decreased intensity, complex artifacts due to the PSF, and loss/distortion in high-frequency details. To overcome these degradations, we exploit the multi-stage image restoration network and frequency loss function. The network utilizes deformable convolutions to solve the spatially-variant degradations in UDC images based on the fact that the kernel of deformable convolutions is dynamic and adaptive to input. We also apply frequency reconstruction loss when training our models to better restore the lost high-frequency components due to the complicated PSF. We show that our method effectively removes the degradation caused by the UDC system and achieves state-of-the-art performance on a benchmark dataset.
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