
Traditional Group Fertility Behaviour the Case of Jharkhand India


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Researchers have failed to capitalise on developing traditional demographic scholarship in India.The absence of connecting fertility to fundamentally embedded cultural, interpersonal and familial features is problematic.The research underscores sociocultural, familial, and circumstantial socialised behaviour and how generational and cultural practices determine fertility as a demographic outcome.The study was conducted in three districts in Jharkhand, India, in 2020.The study is bolstered on the theoretical framework of children's original value, reflecting upon the complexity of the social system that functions behind couples' fertility intentions in a family system.The study adopts a mixed methodology to examine the relationship between the value of children and the fertility plans of couples within a familial, cultural and traditional context.The study appraises an extensive review of available secondary data.A multistage sampling method was adopted to identify 180 married couples between the age range of 13 and 49.The data were collected via semi-structured interviews.This framework facilitated understanding the lived experiences and determining factors associated with fertility plans.The study has identified a gradual decline in fertility levels indicating families opting to reduce the number of children in their families' Ujjwala Gupta, Mariam Seedat-Khan & Aradhana Ramnund-Mansingh 182 indicated ratios include 5:4 and 5:3.The impetus is attributed to a set of intersecting factors, including gendered preference and the modifications of cultural and religious influence.
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