Venous Stent Placement for Malignant Vena Cava Syndrome in a Patient with Liposarcoma

American Journal of Case Reports(2023)

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Objective: Rare diseaseBackground: Reports of venous stenting for inferior vena cava (IVC) syndrome (IVCS) due to sarcoma are limited, and the treatment's efficacy and safety are not clear.Case Report: A 36-year-old woman with myxoid liposarcoma was admitted to the Department of Respiratory Medicine for treatment of bilateral lower-leg edema and to be evaluated for acute liver dysfunction. She was 13 years old when she was diagnosed with myxoid liposarcoma. Over the next 18 years, she had 4 tumor resections and 1 round of radiation therapy. She had been on chemotherapy for 4 years and then pazopanib at the age of 35. The edema did not improve after admission despite treatment with diuretics. Computed tomography re-vealed a huge liposarcoma occupying the right thoracic cavity and a compressed IVC, which caused the edema. Although doxorubicin was administered as fifth-line treatment, there was no response. Since there was no ad-ditional chemotherapy regimen, her prognosis was considered to be less than 6 months. She could not be dis-charged to her home since she was unable to walk due to the edema; therefore, IVC stenting was performed to improve her dysmotility. After IVC stenting, the lower-leg edema improved without any adverse events, en-abling her to walk and eventually return home.Conclusions: In patients with IVCS caused by rare malignancies such as myxoid liposarcoma, an IVC stent can be safely im-planted and can help to alleviate symptoms. IVC stenting can improve symptoms and allow for home care, re-sulting in improved quality of life.
Edema,Liposarcoma,Stents,Vena Cava,Inferior
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