Effect of L-serine on circadian variation of cloacal and body surface temperatures in broiler chickens subjected to feed restriction during the hot-dry season

Journal of Thermal Biology(2023)

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The study aimed to evaluate the effects of L-serine on circadian variation of body temperatures in feed-restricted broiler chickens during the hot-dry season. Day-old broiler chicks of both sexes served as subjects; comprising four groups of 30 chicks each: Group A: water ad libitum + 20% feed restriction (FR); Group B: feed and water ad libitum (AL); Group C: water ad libitum + 20% feed restriction + L-serine (200 mg/kg) (FR + L-serine); Group D feed and water ad libitum + L-serine (200 mg/kg) (AL + L-serine). Feed restriction was performed on days 7–14 and L-serine was administered on days 1–14. Cloacal and body surface temperatures, recorded by digital clinical and infra-red thermometers, respectively, and temperature-humidity index were obtained over 26 h on days 21, 28 and 35. Temperature-humidity index (28.07–34.03) indicated broiler chickens were subjected to heat stress. L-serine decreased (P < 0.05) cloacal temperature in FR + L-serine (40.86 ± 0.07 °C), compared to FR (41.26 ± 0.05 °C) and AL (41.42 ± 0.08 °C) broiler chickens. Peak cloacal temperature occurred at 15:00 h in FR (41.74 ± 0.21 °C), FR + L-serine (41.30 ± 0.41 °C) and AL (41.87 ± 0.16 °C) broiler chickens. Fluctuations in thermal environmental parameters influenced circadian rhythmicity of cloacal temperature; especially the body surface temperatures, positively correlated with CT, and wing temperature recorded the closest mesor. In conclusion, L-serine and feed restriction decreased cloacal and body surface temperatures in broiler chickens during the hot-dry season.
Hot-dry season,Circadian rhythm,Feed restriction,L-serine,Body temperatures
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