Attention-based Automated Chest CT Image Segmentation Method of COVID-19 Lung Infection

Beom J. Lee, Sarkis T. Martirosyan, Zaid Khan, Han Y. Chiu, Zun Wang,Wenqi Shi,Felipe Giuste,Yishan Zhong,Jimin Sun,May Dongmei Wang

2022 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE)(2022)

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According to the World Health Organization, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology may assist in COVID-19 management. However, existing image segmentation using AI suffers from a lack of accuracy and explainability, which prevents its adoption in actual clinical practice. In this paper, we investigated an attention-based image segmentation method for COVID-19 CT imaging with enhanced interpretation capabilities. Specifically, we developed U-Net architecture-based for segmentation with attention coefficients to produce a salient feature map. We use the DICE score and accuracy to perform a comprehensive model evaluation. We compared to other well-known methods such as Light U-Net, COPLE-Net, and Res U-Net and demonstrated that attention U-Net is superior for COVID-19 segmentation tasks in terms of performance and explainability. We also developed the tool as a web-application with a graphic user interface with the goal to translate this AI-driven clinical decision-support system for real-world clinical use.
COVID-19,image segmentation,medical image analysis,attention,CT,lung infection
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