Primordial cosmic complexity and effects of reheating


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We study the effects of reheating phase on the evolution of complexities for the primordial curvature perturbation using the squeezed formalism. We examine the evolution of the out-of-time correlator, the quantum discord, and circuit complexity, starting from the inflationary epoch to the radiation-dominated epoch with different reheating scenarios. We find that for a mode that reenters the horizon after reheating, the effect of a finite reheating epoch on the characteristic freeze-in amplitude of these primordial complexities can only be distinguished up to three different classes depending on whether the equation of state (EOS) parameter: (i) w(re) = 1/3, (ii) w(re) < 1/3, or (iii) w(re) > 1/3. For reheating with different EOSs within these classes, the final amplitude will be the same-hence the detailed signature of reheating on the complexity measures, within a class, will be lost. Taking the central value of the scalar spectral index (n(s) = 0.9649) from Planck and the equation of state during reheating w(re) = 0.25 as benchmark values, we found that the behavior of the complexities for all modes smaller than 1.27 x 10(16) Mpc(-1) can be classified as above. However, for the small-scale modes reentering the horizon during reheating, the signature of EOSs on the evolution of these complexities will be embedded in each of the cases separately.
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