Clinical spotlight intervention to accelerate translation of evidence-based practices in primary care.

Kavita Chawla, Richard Furlong,Norris Kamo, Ingrid Gerbino, Donna Smith,Craig Blackmore

BMJ open quality(2022)

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Evidence-based medical practice is often slow to diffuse into widespread clinical practice. To accelerate translation of updated best practices into clinical care, we developed a quality improvement intervention called the 'Clinical Spotlight'. This programme was based on a knowledge translation model of four steps: education on evidence-based practices, using Lean for incorporation into patient care flow, support of implementation and sustainability, and measurement of outcomes. Using the Clinical Spotlight intervention for addressing the care of patients with type 2 diabetes was associated with appropriate increases in the use of newer classes of glycaemic control medications. We demonstrate statistically significant increases in the use of promoted glycaemic control agents (sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist classes of drugs) at the time of intervention. We conclude that translation of evidence-based practices into clinical care can be enhanced through an educational intervention linked to Lean process improvement and with supported implementation. We are currently expanding our programme to additional clinical areas in primary care.
Chronic disease management,Educational outreach, academic detialing,Healthcare quality improvement,Primary care
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