On Interactive Oracle Proofs for Boolean R1CS Statements

Financial Cryptography and Data Security(2022)

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The framework of interactive oracle proofs (IOP) has been used with great success to construct a number of efficient transparent zk-SNARKs in recent years. However, these constructions are based on Reed-Solomon codes and can only be applied directly to statements given in the form of arithmetic circuits or R1CS over large enough fields $$\mathbb {F}$$ . This motivates the question: what is the best way to apply these IOPs to statements that are naturally written as R1CS over small fields, and more concretely, the binary field $$\mathbb {F}_2$$ ? While one can just see the system as one over an extension field $$\mathbb {F}_{2^e}$$ containing $$\mathbb {F}_2$$ , this seems wasteful, as it uses e bits to encode just one “information” bit. In fact, in FC21 the work BooLigero devised a way to apply the well-known Ligero while being able to encode $$\sqrt{e}$$ bits into one element of $$\mathbb {F}_{2^e}$$ . In this paper, we introduce a new protocol for $$\mathbb {F}_2$$ -R1CS which among other things relies on a more efficient embedding which (for practical parameters) allows to encode $$\ge e/4$$ bits into an element of $$\mathbb {F}_{2^e}$$ . Our protocol makes then black box use of lincheck and rowcheck protocols for the larger field. Using the lincheck and rowcheck introduced in Aurora and Ligero respectively we obtain $$1.31 - 1.65 \times $$ smaller proofs for Aurora and $$3.71 \times $$ for Ligero. We also estimate the reduction of prover time by a factor of $$24.7 \times $$ for Aurora and between $$6.9 - 32.5 \times $$ for Ligero without interactive repetitions. Our methodology uses the notion of reverse multiplication friendly embeddings introduced in the area of secure multiparty computation, combined with a new IOPP to test linear statements modulo a subspace $$V \le \mathbb {F}_{2^e}$$ which may be of independent interest.
interactive oracle proofs,statements
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