
Extreme Energy Spectra of Relativistic Electron Flux in the Outer Radiation Belt

Journal of geophysical research Space physics(2022)

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Electron diffusion by whistler-mode chorus waves is one of the key processes controlling the dynamics of relativistic electron fluxes in the Earth's radiation belts. It is responsible for the acceleration of sub-relativistic electrons injected from the plasma sheet to relativistic energies as well as for their precipitation and loss into the atmosphere. Based on analytical estimates of chorus wave-driven quasi-linear electron energy and pitch-angle diffusion rates, we provide analytical steady-state solutions to the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation for the relativistic electron distribution and flux. The impact on these steady-state solutions of additional electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves, and of ultralow frequency waves are examined. Such steady-state solutions correspond to hard energy spectra at 1-4 MeV, dangerous for satellite electronics, and represent attractors for the system dynamics in the presence of sufficiently strong driving by continuous injections of 10-300 keV electrons. Therefore, these analytical steady-state solutions provide a simple means for estimating the most extreme electron energy spectra potentially encountered in the outer radiation belt, despite the great variability of injections and plasma conditions. These analytical steady-state solutions are compared with numerical simulations based on the full Fokker-Planck equation and with relativistic electron flux spectra measured by satellites during one extreme event and three strong events of high time-integrated geomagnetic activity, demonstrating a good agreement.
radiation belt,extreme electron flux,extreme energy spectra,chorus wave,EMIC wave,attractor
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