
Experimental Evidence for Clothianidin Deposition in Feathers of House Sparrows after Ingestion of Sublethal Doses Treated Seeds.


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Bird feathers are commonly used to assess environmental contamination by chemical pollutants. However, although neonicotinoid insecticides are widely applied worldwide, feathers have rarely been used to survey the contamination by neonicotinoids in birds. To investigate whether clothianidin, one compound of the neon-icotinoid class, is deposited into birds' feathers, we conducted an experiment with 56 wild male and female house sparrows dispatched in 7 aviaries. During this experiment, house sparrows were fed with certified organic seeds treated with clothianidin at an estimated concentration of 0.25 mu g/g BW per day and per individual. We collected blood samples and plucked four tail feathers at the onset of the experiment to confirm that no birds were previously exposed to clothianidin. 35 days later, we collected blood samples and the newly grown feathers. Before exposure, a small number of birds showed very low clothianidin concentrations in plasma and feathers. After exposure, the plasma and the newly grown feathers of all birds contained clothianidin. Clothianidin con-centrations in feathers were similar in both sexes, but the plasma of males contained clothianidin at higher concentrations than that of females. Our results confirm that ingested clothianidin transits in the plasma and is deposited in feathers during their growth. They also suggest substantial individual variation in the amounts of clothianidin transiting in the plasma and being deposited in feathers that may reflect variation in metabolism and/or access to food in relation to sex, social hierarchy and group dynamics. Whether increasing levels of exposure translate linearly or non-linearly (e.g. saturation process) into increasing clothianidin concentrations in bird plasma and feathers remains to be investigated. To conclude, these results confirm the relevance of using feathers to biomonitor the presence of neonicotinoids, but the relationship between the level of exposure and the concentrations found in feathers remains to be established.
Neonicotinoids,Clothianidin,Feathers,Plasma,House sparrow,Biomonitor
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