In vitro ALPK1 kinase assay reveals new insights into ADP-heptose sensing pathway and kinase activity of disease-associated ALPK1 mutants


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Alpha-protein kinase 1 (ALPK1) is a pathogen recognition receptor that detects ADP-heptose (ADPH), a lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis intermediate, recently described as a pathogen-associated molecular pattern in Gram-negative bacteria. ADPH binding to ALPK1 activates its kinase domain and triggers TIFA phosphorylation on threonine 9. This leads to the assembly of large TIFA oligomers called TIFAsomes, activation of NF-kB and pro-inflammatory gene expression. Furthermore, mutations in ALPK1 are associated with inflammatory syndromes and cancers. While this kinase is of growing medical interest, only few tools are available to characterize its activity. Here, we describe a versatile non-radioactive ALPK1 in vitro kinase assay based on protein thiophosphorylation. We confirm that ALPK1 phosphorylates TIFA T9 and show that T2, T12 and T19 are also weakly phosphorylated by ALPK1. Interestingly, we find that ALPK1 itself is phosphorylated in response to ADPH recognition during Shigella flexneri and Helicobacter pylori infection and that disease-associated ALPK1 mutants exhibit altered kinase activity. In particular, T237M and V1092A mutations associated with ROSAH syndrome and spiradenoma/spiradenocarcinoma respectively, exhibit enhanced ADPH-induced kinase activity and constitutive assembly of TIFAsomes. Altogether, this study provides new insights into the ADPH sensing pathway and a new tool for measuring the activity of ALPK1. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
vitro</i>alpk1 kinase,sensing pathway,adp-heptose,disease-associated
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