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Dynamic Ensemble Deep Echo State Network for Significant Wave Height Forecasting


Cited 22|Views142
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Forecasts of the wave heights can assist in the data-driven control of wave energy systems. However, the dynamic properties and extreme fluctuations of the historical observations pose challenges to the construction of forecasting models. This paper proposes a novel dynamic ensemble deep Echo state networks (ESN) to learn the dynamic characteristics of the significant wave height. The dynamic ensemble ESN creates a profound representation of the input and trains an independent readout module for each reservoir. To begin, numerous reservoir layers are built in a hierarchical order, adopting a reservoir pruning approach to filter out the poorer representations. Finally, a dynamic ensemble block is used to integrate the forecasts of all readout layers. The suggested model has been tested on twelve available datasets and statistically outperforms state-of-the-art approaches.
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Forecasting,Machine learning,Deep learning,Randomized neural networks,Echo state network
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