Collagen remodeling leads to inflammation-free expansion of periprostatic adipose tissue and promotes prostate cancer progression

David Estève, Aurélie Toulet,Mathieu Roumiguié,Dawei Bu, Sarah Pericart, Chloé Belles,Cécile Manceau, Cynthia Houël,Manuelle Ducoux-Petit, Nathalie Van Acker,Stéphanie Dauvillier, Yiyue Jia,Camille Franchet,Nicolas Doumerc,Mathieu Thoulouzan,Sophie Le Gonidec,Philippe Valet, Bernard Malavaud,Odile Burlet-Schiltz, Anne Bouloumié,Philipp E. Scherer, Delphine Milhas,Catherine Muller


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Periprostatic adipose tissue (PPAT) abundance correlates with prostate cancer progression, but the mechanism remains unexplained. Here, we used a statistical approach to define abundant PPAT by normalizing PPAT volume to prostate volume in a cohort of 351 patients with a linear regression model. Applying this definition, we find tumors specifically from patients with abundant PPAT exhibit several hallmarks of aggressiveness, suggesting that PPAT abundance might be used to improve risk stratification. We show that abundant PPAT expands by adipocyte hypertrophy but this does not result in inflammation. Extensive extracellular matrix remodeling, notably of the collagen network, and decreased expression of mechano-sensing proteins in adipocytes explains this inflammation-free expansion by decreasing the mechanical constraints on the adipocytes. Moreover, collagen VI degradation in abundant PPAT is associated with production of endotrophin, a matrikine that promotes cancer progression. We find high levels of endotrophin specifically in the urine of patients with abundant PPAT, indicating the clinical relevance of our findings. Summary The abundance of periprostatic adipose tissue favors prostate cancer aggressiveness. The increase in extracellular matrix remodeling that occurs in expanded periprostatic fat allows adipocyte hypertrophy without tissue inflammation and generates a matrikine, endotrophin, which favors tumor progression. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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