T-cell epitope discovery and single-cell technologies to advance food allergy research

Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology(2023)

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There is good evidence for a role of T cells in food allergy, but there is a lack of mechanistic understanding and phenotypic markers of the specific T cells contributing to pathology. Recent technologic advancements have allowed for a new experimental paradigm where we can find and pull out rare antigen-specific T cells and characterize them at the single-cell level. However, studies in infectious disease and broader allergy have shown that these techniques benefit greatly from precisely defined T-cell epitopes. Food allergens have fewer epitopes currently available, but it is growing and promises to overcome this gap. With growing use of this experimental design, it will be important to unbiasedly map T-cell phenotypes across food allergy and look for commonalities and contrasts to other allergic and infectious diseases. Once a pathologic phenotype for T cells has been established, the frequencies of these cells can be monitored with simpler techniques that could be applied to the clinic and used in diagnosis, prediction of treatment responsiveness, and discovery of targets for new treatments.
T cells,food allergy,epitope,single-cell sequencing,allergen,antigen-specific T cells
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