
Lung CT Image Synthesis Using GANs

Expert systems with applications(2023)

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Biomedical engineering has been targeted as a potential research candidate for machine learning applications, with the purpose of detecting or diagnosing pathologies. However, acquiring relevant, high-quality, and heterogeneous medical datasets is challenging due to privacy and security issues and the effort required to annotate the data. Generative models have recently gained a growing interest in the computer vision field due to their ability to increase dataset size by generating new high-quality samples from the initial set, which can be used as data augmentation of a training dataset. This study aimed to synthesize artificial lung images from corresponding positional and semantic annotations using two generative adversarial networks and databases of real computed tomography scans: the Pix2Pix approach that generates lung images from the lung segmentation maps; and the conditional generative adversarial network (cCGAN) approach that was implemented with additional semantic labels in the generation process. To evaluate the quality of the generated images, two quantitative measures were used: the domain-specific Frechet Inception Distance and Structural Similarity Index. Additionally, an expert assessment was performed to measure the capability to distinguish between real and generated images. The assessment performed shows the high quality of synthesized images, which was confirmed by the expert evaluation. This work represents an innovative application of GAN approaches for medical application taking into consideration the pathological findings in the CT images and the clinical evaluation to assess the realism of these features in the generated images.
Generative adversarial networks,Synthesized medical imaging,CT Lung images,Lung cancer
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