
Responses of Natural and Artificial Pin Oak (quercus Palustris) Reproduction to a Sequence of Silvicultural Release Treatments in Bottomland Hardwood Forests in Southern Missouri

Forest ecology and management(2023)

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Developing competitive oak advance reproduction prior to canopy disturbance is understood to be important for oak regeneration success. In the early 2000s, a study was installed in southeastern Missouri to examine the effects of midstory and understory release on natural and artificial sources of pin oak (Quercus palustris Muenchh.) advance reproduction. The findings obtained three years after midstory and understory release indicated photosynthetically active radiation increased from 3 to 15 % and a corresponding increase in density of pin oak reproduction as well as the survival and growth of both natural and artificial pin oak reproduction compared to control. In 2010, eight years after the midstory and understory was removed, three different overstory harvests were applied to release the established pin oak advance reproduction. Here, we investigated the effects of the midstory and understory removal and the subsequent overstory harvests on underplanted and naturally regenerated oak advance reproduction. We also tested effects of a later midstory release on the density of natural pin oak advance reproduction. Results indicate that the survival of bareroot pin oak seedlings increased with increasing initial basal diameter. The survival of Root Production Method (RPM (R)) container pin oak seedlings, however, was not dependent on the size at the time of planting. The early understory removal with triclopyr herbicide was ineffective in ensuring survival of planted pin oak seedlings. Shelterwood increased the growth of oak advance reproduction but did not eliminate competition from other species. A late release also failed to increase the growth of oak advance reproduction. Given shelterwood also favored oak competitors in our study, multiple applications of midstory and understory competition control treatments following the shelterwood treatment will be imperative for successful oak regeneration.
Artificial regeneration,Bottomland hardwood forests,Midstory removal,Natural regeneration,Overstory harvest
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