Neutron diffraction study of crystal structure and temperature driven molecular reorientation in solid α-CO

AIP Advances(2020)

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Neutron diffraction studies have been carried out on carbon monoxide (CO) in the temperature range of 14–68 K. From the data of the temperature dependent crystal parameters, the volume thermal expansion β (T), C–O bond length, and intermolecular distance of CO have been determined and compared with calculations. The volume evolution of cubic CO solids indicates a normal thermal expansion. However, the bond length of CO molecules contracts with the increase in temperature. Correspondingly, the distance between CO molecules increases much faster with an increase in the temperature. We find that intermolecular and intramolecular interactions account for these abnormal temperature behaviors of CO molecular crystals. The abnormal change observed in the curve β (T), evolution of C–O bond length, and distance between two CO molecules indicate an order–disorder phase transition induced by head-to-tail reorientations of CO dipoles.
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