
The Role of Tantalum Nanoparticles in Bone Regeneration Involves the BMP2/Smad4/Runx2 Signaling Pathway [Retraction]

International Journal of Nanomedicine(2020)

引用 10|浏览6
Zhang G, Liu W, Wang R, et al. Int J Nanomedicine. 2020;15:2419–2435. The Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of International Journal of Nanomedicine wish to retract the published article. We were notified of potential image duplications found in the published article. The alleged image duplications are:● Figure 5A 7 days Panel 15 μg/mL shares parts of the same image shown in Figure 7A 7 days Panel 20 μg/mL+inhibitor● Figure 5A 14 days Panel 25 μg/mL shares parts of the same image shown in Figure 7A 14 days Panel 20 μg/mL+inhibitor● Figure 5B 14 days Panel 15 μg/mL shares parts of the same image shown in Figure 5B 21 days Panel 0 μg/mL which has also been magnified● Figure 5B 14 days Panel 20 μg/mL shares parts of the same images shown in Figure 5B 21 days Panels 15 μg/mL and 20 μg/mL, both of which have also been magnified● Figure 5B 21 days Panel 5 μg/mL shares parts of the same image shown in Figure 5B 21 days Panel 10 μg/mL● Figure 5G DAPI, FITC, Merge Panel 15 μg/mL are the same images shown in Figure 7G DAPI, FITC, Merge Panel 0 μg/mL The authors could not provide a satisfactory explanation for the duplicated images and the editor determined the findings of the study were no longer valid. The authors wish to apologize for this error. Our decision-making was informed by our policy on publishing ethics and integrity and the COPE guidelines on retraction. The retracted article will remain online to maintain the scholarly record, but it will be digitally watermarked on each page as “Retracted”. This retraction relates to this paper
tantalum nanoparticles,bone regeneration,osteogenic differentiation,smad4,bmscs
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